Wednesday, January 6, 2010

here's to 2010

We are almost a week into 2010 and while some people are deciding whether it is still the same decade or a new one and whether they will call it twenty ten or two thousand and ten, I have decided to stop wishing that ‘this year is better than the last’. Every year I look back and hope for the next year to be better. Actually, despite sad goodbyes in 2009, I had a reasonably good year and that is not because I won the lotto or any other grand occurrence. No. It was a choice. Yes, there were some things I was able to avoid this year, which did contribute to me having a less stressful year than the previous ones, but ultimately we will face good and bad things, day in and day out, year in and year out. Some things will be harder to handle, but only one person can decide how to respond to the situation. Me. I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes I am so focused on me and how sorry I feel for myself, but in reality I am very blessed. We all face bad things; we just have to hold our heads up high. Some years are harder than others, but there is always someone in a far worse situation than my own. This leads me on to my resolutions for the year ahead:
as per usual, the most common include making healthier eating choices, eating more fruit and veggies, exercising more regularly. I am trying to completely eliminate fizzy drinks and drink less coffee I hope to read and write more. Most importantly, I look forward to trying to look out rather than obsess over me (I sometimes am so involved with my own needs that I neglect those of the people around me – love your neighbour) Last, but not least, I look forward to having another year trusting in Jesus and walking with Him through good and bad. Yes, I want to embrace this year and choose to make a difference and focus on the blessings in my life on a daily basis.
Here’s to 2010, may it be another good year and may my one wish come true…

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