Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year, New decade, lasting memories...

“I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.” William Allen White

As I look forward to embrace 2010, I look back on the last year, the last decade in fact and recall the memories: the scars, the laughter, the tears and the growing pains I experienced. These have all shaped me into the woman I am today. Yes, I am vulnerable, I am emotional but I am strong, tough and growing in wisdom (I hope) as I face new challenges and life’s little hurdles.

The highlight of my decade is marrying my fabulous hubby, Jacques. I remember my flowing white dress, tiny pink roses embroidered on it. I remember the ringlets and roses in my hair. I remember the rain and although my outside wedding had to be relocated at the last minute, it was still an amazing day, the best day. I remember trying to listen to the message of the minister, but thinking ‘just get to the “you may kiss the bride” part’, missing what he was saying as he compared marriage to a coffee side table (which he had with him at the front of the congregation) I remember my bridesmaid, my best friend, Sarah. She stayed over the night before and we giggled and had lots of fun together. She had just found out she was pregnant with her first child and it was so exciting. I remember as the rain poured down how she tried to distract me by enticing me in an innumerable amount of contests of ‘naughts and crosses’. I remember my aunt who came in and picked up all the odd jobs of cooking and cleaning, making sure all odds and ends were not left unattended. Thank you aunty Violet and uncle Mark who was an excellent MC. I remember Jacques’ best friend and best man, Andries. He was superb. I remember my dad’s speech and how he forgot to say half the stuff he had written down. I remember him walking me down the aisle and our dance to “Butterfly kisses”. I remember Shelley coming all the way from Ireland to celebrate our special day. I remember looking at Jacques waiting for me at the end of the aisle and how elated I was, I remember our first dance, his hands securely embracing me with the underlying message, ‘I will be with you forever’. I remember my mommy, how much hard work she put into giving me the perfect wedding. She made table cloths, little buckets for the flowers, she decorated, made my cake and did more than anyone could imagine. I remember my perfect, special wedding day and say ‘thank you’ to everyone who was there, celebrated with us and made the day possible. I can’t believe that it’s almost been five years already now, and what an eventful five years we have had together.

Now as we embark on a new decade and a new year, I say, ‘Bring it on!’ Welcome to my blog. I hope to regularly keep in touch and share our adventures in Oz with you. It’s a new year, a new era and I embrace it, the good, the bad and the ugly…hopefully it is mostly good.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool blog. Welldone, keep at it and I look forward to reading it! All the best for 2010.
    Ray - PMBer
