Saturday, March 27, 2010

naughty naughty naughty

It has been ages and i sincerely apologise. School has been hectic, we moved, then I lost my email address I set up for my blog and the password...well i forgot it and lost the paper i had written it down on...hope it hasn't gotten into the wrong hands. Anyway, I will try write a bit again soon xx j

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One year down (under)

One year on…
A year ago we arrived in this beautiful foreign land. Australia adopted us and we were to start a new chapter in our lives. The time has flown by and we have endured many challenges, but survived. We have grown accustomed to buses swerving out with hardly any indication, the cheeky mynah birds that dive bomb the curious cats. We have gotten used to dodging cars on the roadside as very few people actually use their garages and still marvel at the fact that the car is still there, everything intact the next morning. We have developed a taste for sushi, we have managed to live on one salary for a time, we were blessed enough to afford a car after only 3 months of being here. We have grown closer, we have faced challenges with smiles, and we have learnt that the value of life lies in relationships.

Of course there have been a few challenges along the way. It took me a while to find work; Jacques is still unable to find work in logistics although he has decided to take a different route as he pursues teaching. He has endured Swine Flu, Shingles and plenty of colds. But here we stand, strong, happy, together.

We have come a long way since our timid arrival. We have joined a church, made friends and can even eat inside a take food restaurant as opposed to our previous ‘hobo status’ which involved use eating plain bread rolls on the side of the road (quite fun actually, but had my sister-in-law aghast).

The hardest part is missing family and friends. We have adjusted well and slotted in well to life ‘Down under’ but there is still that piece of one’s heart that is neglected, that love you know exists, but is too far away to enjoy. Our histories are different to the Australians, so we lack that camaraderie that we experienced with our fellow ‘Saffas’.

Overall though we are happy with the decision we made to move. We love the freedom and peace we feel here. Our new land has many opportunities and as our second year begins, we hope that new and exciting adventures await us, pleasantly surprise us and develop our characters even more.

Chat soon…I will try be more regular. With school starting though, I just had a bit of a lapse.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

We recently watched the movie ‘Invictus’. I really enjoyed it, although felt a bit sad at how poorly people of ‘colour’ were treated during Apartheid. I was 16 when Nelson Mandela was elected president.
I remember when I was around 10 years old, riding my bike down the road and I spoke to a gardener about Apartheid. I was horrified that a person could be treated unfairly based solely on the colour of their skin. I never really knew what to do about it, except what my parents taught me and that was to treat everyone equally. I had hoped that it would change. It did.
After Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became president, he made every effort to create a better South Africa. He put his people first and led with humility and integrity. He was able to put aside the fact that he sat in prison for so many years because he was fighting for liberation, freedom, democracy. He did not try and take revenge, he could have, but instead he was a true example to every person on how to forgive. A remarkable man in all honesty.
In some ways, ‘Invictus’ made me home sick. I don’t miss the crime, politics or the racial tension, but I miss what I could have done to make someone else’s life better. So many people can be helped. There are people starving yet politicians are becoming porky. Madiba was there to create a better place for the people, but now it seems that those in leadership positions are greedy and look after their own best interests even if it means taking advantage of others or bending the law to suit themselves. They make promises to their people but never fulfill them and don’t seem to care about the poverty right before their very eyes. They are willing to kill for someone in power. They hide corruption and plead innocence. How sad. Sis on you!
I would love to know how Mandela feels about South Africa now, I am sure he never envisioned it to be what it is. He wanted us to live in love and harmony.
Living in Australia probably doesn’t give me much liberty to comment, but I think the question should be why I left? People always play the ‘race card’. You left because you are racist. No I left for better opportunities; I don’t want to hide my handbag in the boot, drive through red traffic lights at night, hold onto my bag like my life depended on it, be afraid of noises in the night and read the newspaper with that blasé approach.
Watching ‘Invictus’ reminded me of that hope that we felt sure was in our future as the ‘Rainbow Nation’. All I have to say is watch the movie, be inspired and if you are able try get that hope back. Maybe the next generation will be better at righting the past. South Africa is a beautiful country and when we first came together it was overwhelming and inspiring. Now it’s beauty seems untouchable, you can’t enjoy a walk along the beach without fear.
Nelson Mandela, I sure do wish you could have lived and been president forever. Viva Mandela.

Invictus – William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

here's to 2010

We are almost a week into 2010 and while some people are deciding whether it is still the same decade or a new one and whether they will call it twenty ten or two thousand and ten, I have decided to stop wishing that ‘this year is better than the last’. Every year I look back and hope for the next year to be better. Actually, despite sad goodbyes in 2009, I had a reasonably good year and that is not because I won the lotto or any other grand occurrence. No. It was a choice. Yes, there were some things I was able to avoid this year, which did contribute to me having a less stressful year than the previous ones, but ultimately we will face good and bad things, day in and day out, year in and year out. Some things will be harder to handle, but only one person can decide how to respond to the situation. Me. I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes I am so focused on me and how sorry I feel for myself, but in reality I am very blessed. We all face bad things; we just have to hold our heads up high. Some years are harder than others, but there is always someone in a far worse situation than my own. This leads me on to my resolutions for the year ahead:
as per usual, the most common include making healthier eating choices, eating more fruit and veggies, exercising more regularly. I am trying to completely eliminate fizzy drinks and drink less coffee I hope to read and write more. Most importantly, I look forward to trying to look out rather than obsess over me (I sometimes am so involved with my own needs that I neglect those of the people around me – love your neighbour) Last, but not least, I look forward to having another year trusting in Jesus and walking with Him through good and bad. Yes, I want to embrace this year and choose to make a difference and focus on the blessings in my life on a daily basis.
Here’s to 2010, may it be another good year and may my one wish come true…