Monday, May 9, 2011


How super slack have I been!!!!

Seriously I do hope to keep at this blog thing regularly fom now on. So very much has happened since my first blogger days that I do not know where to begin...

Jacques has finished studying. He is offically a senior teacher at a great school. He teaches Business, ICT and Hstory.
We are no longer living in Brisbane. Jacques secured a job in Maryborough, so in January we moved about 2 and a half hours drive north of Brissie.
And the biggest news of all, we have a BABY! A 4 month old daughter, Joscelyn Rain.

As I type the baby sleeps. She is not much of a day time sleeper, prefers little cat naps, sometimes she barely sleeps in the day. I should use this time to do some house work - ironing perhaps, some dishes maybe? Oh well, they aren't going anywhere. (Haha)

I do hope to make this blogging thing more regular. I hope I won't bore you too much but this way you can see our journey from time to time and I hope to keep up the group emails too :)

That's all for now.
Hope to see you here soon

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